Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We spent Christmas eve at Nana and Poppy Wonsettler's house. We came home to have Christmas morning at our house and then went to Uncle Shaddy and Aunt Evie's house later Christmas day. Santa came to both houses ang gave gifts to the kids from his sack. Payton loved that part. Of course the kids were spoiled with gifts. Payton got a new dollhouse, clothes, coloring books and crayons. She also got a puzzle and piano, just to name a few. Caleb got farm tractors, a toolbench, a racetrack, and the Little People Fire Station. There are plenty more things he got but too many to list. I can't post all the pics(there are too many) so here is a little snipit!


December 23, 2010

Binkies gone bye-bye

Last night Santa made a special apperance to our house to collect all of Payton's binkies so that the baby elves could have them. In return Santa was going to leave her some Dora and Princess stickers for her. We wrote him a note and left all the binkies on the table for him to collect. After Payton fell asleep, I went in and took the one from her room. Santa wrote back to Payton telling her what a big girl she was and how proud of her he was. He indeed left the stickers she was asking for along with a fancy jingle pen. She LOVED them.....and then came naptime. She was not happy about going to bed without a binky. She came out after about 1/2 hour and told me she needed her shirt changed. She had sucked on her shirt and it was soaking wet. She layed back down after I changed her shirt and about 20 minutes later she started crying. I let her go for about 10 minutes. (The crying got louder and then she started knocking on the door while crying, asking for me.) I layed her on my chest and she almost instantly fell asleep. I carried her back into her bed and she woke up as I layed her down. Shortly after that, I heard her door again (so i pretended to be asleep on the couch), she called my name, went back into her room, and got back in bed. This happened twice. Finally, I went into her room a little after 4pm because we needed to take Caleb to the dr. and she popped up and said, "Hi Momma. I not sleeping!"
Tonight she went to bed without crying. I explained to her again that her binkies were all gone and that she is a big girl now. Let's hope that she makes it through the night without waking up.

Cookie Exchange 2010

Every year my girlfriends from work have a cookie exchange right before Christmas. When we first started this it was about 5 of us ladies looking for some adult time. That is not the case anymore. All of us have children (some more than one) and there are a few in the group that are expecting. It was such a great way to spend some time together as a group and allow our children to play with one another. Here are some pics of the clan.

They practiced standing on one foot.

Payton was hard at work on her snowman ornament.

Left to Right
Kaitlin and Eddie Krajacic, Emma Precek, Olivia Peters, Caleb, Payton, Maddie Peters, Ally Demaline, and Lexi Ditz

December 12, 2010


Payton has the BIGGEST, UGLIEST sty in her eye I can honestly say I have ever seen. She has had it for about a month now and it seems to be getting bigger by the day. The doctor has prescribed her an antibiotic eye drop. Needless to say, it is a HUGE ordeal twice a day as I try to put the drops in her eye. It looks like something from a science fiction movie. It is really hurting her and I hope that I don't have to take her to the eye doctor to have it lanced. YUCKY!!!

December 11, 2010


Just wanted to document that Caleb started waving bye-bye yesterday Decemeber 10, 2010. It was just before dinner time and he looked like he was waving so Shane and I started to wave to him and he waved back. He has been doing everytime we have waved at him today. Yeah Caleb!

December 4, 2010

Hilton Head Here we Come!!

We just booked our yearly trip to Hilton Head Island, SC for the 2011 year. We use this amazing website and booked the condo that we wanted for an AWESOME price. Our balcony overlooks the pool and we can walk to the beach!! Yeah for great deals! Let the countdown begin!