Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

January 27, 2011

Oh Boy....

.....the next month is going to be a difficult one. I took Payton to see the opthamologist today for her recurring styes and we have a lot to do in the next thirty days. I am supposed to do all of these things twice a day until our next appointment on Feb. 24; eye drops (both eyes), eye ointment (both eyes), and a warm compress for 15minutes (both eyes). I am also supposed to use this special eyelid wash called Sterilid on her eyes once a day. It is a specail soap that will help keep the area clean. Lastly, I am to put flax see oil in something she drinks, once a day. All of this will hopefully help her eyes to heal and recover from all of the styes. He also told me (more than once) that this is going to be a long process and not to get frustrated if another one appears. Her eyelids are very inflammed and will need lots of time to actually heal completely. He is going to do a full exam on her the next time we go see him if her styes are gone to make sure that there are no other issues at this point with her eyes. If this treatment does not work, then the next step would be having her "knocked out" and he will inject a steroid directly into her lids and massage the glands open. I REALLY hope we don't have to go that route. He was a wonderful doctor and I am glad we are heading in the right direction. Let's hope all of this madness helps Payton's eyes to heal. I bet she is as tired of them as I am!!

January 26, 2011

Sick...can't wait for spring!

I am just getting over a sore throat that lasted a WEEK!!! I even went to the Minute Clinic (CVS) to have a strep test to find that it was negative, so I had to suck it up and deal with this annoying pain for over a week. Caleb currently has a rash covering his ENTIRE body. I took him to the doctor to find out that it is a viral rash and will clear up when it is good and ready. Needless to say, with my luck, it will hang on for, what seems like forever, and then turn into something else causing me to have to go to the doctor again.
Payton goes to see the opthamologist tomorrow. She actually is getting another little stye in her right eye so it is a good thing we are going. The scab below her left eye is still there. I am pretty sure she will have it when she goes to high school. Stupid thing won't fall off for nothing!!
Well, after reading this post again, I have decided that I am very greatful for good medical insurance! Will keep you all updated on what the doctor says about P's eyes. Wish us luck!

January 13, 2011

Payton's first BIG boo-boo

Today I got a call from our babysitter that Payton fell off her couch and put her tooth through her cheek. She said that she was standing up and playing on the couch and when she asked Payton to sit down, Payton turned around to say something and her foot slipped off the couch and down she went. On the way down, she hit the coffee table. Of course this has to be on the same side that the styes are healing from. So she has a huge scab under her eye (from the stye) and now a small cut and HUGE bruise on her cheek. Needless to say, she looks like she just got out of the war. Here is a few pics.